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Recovering from Ravage

What you will witness today is the honesty and bravery of people who aren't often heard or given a chance to tell their stories. This story is conceived, written and acted by people who have little or no theatrical training. Their use of allegory and symbolism, mixed with drama and humor runs deep and we hope you appreciate the message and the lessons they've decided to portray. The theater skills they've learned will be useful in their recovery process and life in general, but it's the moment they bring these characters and their messages to life, that will bring you the most joy. Everyone is invited to sit back and let these newly minted bards tell you a tale of how honesty, self awareness, confrontation, and seeking the help of others can assist in making someone a hero, if only to themselves. DC and Marvel comics, are you ready for a new storyline? 

Free tickets available here .

June 2

Love Letters

June 8

Love Letters